Spesiaalit / Specials |
Fall 1970 MAD Special |
MAD Poster Special |
SuperSpecial Fall'80 with
Nostalgic Magic MAD |
SuperSpecial Winter'81 |
SuperSpecial Fall'82:
Advertising |
SuperSpecial Summer`83
Horror & SciFi |
SuperSpecial Spring`85 MAD
book of sillier nonsense |
SuperSpecial Winter`88 MAD
bombs again |
SuperSpecial June`88 Pets |
SuperSpecial Winter'90 |
SuperSpecial Fall'91 :
Collector's Series #1 (inc. all new new kids hate stickers and 17
classic mischief stickers) |
SuperSpecial July'94 :
Collector's Series #7 (inc. all new 49 silly sweepstakes stickers and 36
no-postage stamps) |
SuperSpecial January 1999 :
MAD Stocking Stuffer |
SuperSpecial April 1999 :
Ultra MAD |
SuperSpecial May 1999 : MAD
Mocks Fox TV |
SuperSpecial November 1999 :
MAD Trashes the 90ies |
SuperSpecial July 1999 :
Super Sized MAD |
SuperSpecial August 1999 :
Ecch! Rated MAD |
MadXL #1 January 2000 |
MadXL #2 March 2000 |
MadXL #3 June 2000 |
MadXL #4 July 2000 |
MadXL #5 August 2000 |
MadXL #6 November 2000 |
MadXL #7 January 2001 |
MadXL #8 March 2001 |
#1 Summer 1997 Tales
Calculated to Drive you MAD |
#2 Winter 1997 Tales
Calculated to Drive you MAD |
#4 Spring 1998 Tales
Calculated to Drive you MAD |
#6 Spring 1999 Tales
Calculated to Drive you MAD |
#7 Fall 1999 Tales
Calculated to Drive you MAD |
The tenth annual edition of
The Worst From Mad |
MAD Color Classics #2
September 2000 |
MAD Color Classics #3 April
2001 |
MAD Pop-off Video May 1998 |
Batman Spectacular July 1997 |
MAD Star Trek Spectacular |
Star Wars Spectacular 1996 |
Star Wars Spectacular (in
color) Summer 1999 |
Artists Special #3 - Don Martin |
Artists Special #4 - Don Martin |
Artists Special #6 - Sergio Aragones |
Artists Special #10 - Sergio Aragones |
Läheiset lehdet / Related Magazines |
The MAD Panic Issue 17,
Mar 1993 |
The MAD Panic Issue 47,
Mar 1998 |
Honk! #1 (Don Martin
Interview) |
The Life of Groo the
Wanderer |
Taskukirjat / Pocket Books |
Dirty Old Mad |
Snappy Answers To Stupid Questions Al Jaffee |
Indigestible Mad |
Blows His Mind Al Jaffee |
The Mad Morality |
(2nd) Follow-up File Spy vs Spy |
Mad About Town |
4th Declassified papers Spy vs Spy |
Hopping Mad |
6th Mad Case Book Spy vs Spy |
Howling Mad |
Madly Yours Sergio Aragones |
Organization Mad |
Mad Pantomimes Sergio Aragones |
Mad In Orbit |
More Mad Pantomimes Sergio
Aragones |
Like Mad |
Mad Marginals Sergio Aragones |
3 Ring Mad |
Viva Mad Sergio Aragones |
Mad Sucks |
Mad As A Hatter Sergio Aragones |
Rip Off Mad |
Mad About Mad Sergio Aragones |
The Bedside Mad |
Mad Menagerie Sergio Aragones |
The Self-Made Mad |
Mad As The Devil Sergio Aragones |
Son of Mad |
Looks Around Dave Berg |
Fighting Mad |
Looks At Things Dave Berg |
Mad Strikes Back |
Looks At Our Sick World Dave Berg |
Mad About the Buoy |
Looks At Modern Thinking Dave Berg |
Raving Mad |
Looks Listens & Laughs Dave Berg |
The Mad Reader |
Bizarre Bazaar Duck Edwing |
Comes On Strong (cover variation
#1) Don Martin |
Mad Variations Duck Edwing |
Comes On Strong (cover variation #2) Don Martin |
Mad Weirdo Watcher's Guide Tom Kock |
Steps Out Don Martin |
Mad How NOT To Do It Book Peter Paul Porges |
Sails Ahead Don Martin |
A Mad Look At TV Dick DeBartolo |
Cooks Up More Tales Don Martin |
Mad Guide To Self Improvement Dick DeBartolo |
Digs Deeper Don Martin |
Mad Looks At Old Movies Dick DeBartolo |
Drops 13 Stories Don Martin |
Mad-Vertising Dick DeBartolo |
Bounces Back Don Martin |
Sex Violence & Home Cooking Dick DeBartolo |
Hogs The Show Al Jaffee |
Mad Murders The Movies Dick DeBartolo (RARE) |
Dead Or Alive Al Jaffee |
Oheiset / Items |
A letter written by Sergio Aragones Written to Al Feldstein |
Sergio Aragones original drawing and autograph For MAD-collector Tim Johnson in Chicago |
Pre-MAD Alfred E.Neuman postcard (small) |
Pre-MAD Alfred E.Neuman postcard (big) |
MAD classic covers mug from Applause (1988). Boxed. |
I love MAD stickers |
Fleer goes MAD sticker album |
Fleer goes MAD bubble gum wrapper(s) |
Fleer goes MAD mini poster |
Duck Edwing original drawing "My balls are killing me !!", signed "To Manu. Madly yours, Duck Edwing" |
More original art from Duck Edwing |
And even more original art from Duck Edwing |
Duck Edwing badge |
Duck Edwing pin |
Duck Edwing MAD name card |
Kaikki yllä oleva Duck Edwing -matsku tuli mieheltä (ankalta?) itseltään, kiitos tästä!
All the above Duck Edwing material was received from the man (duck?)
himself, thanks a quack! |
Revell MAD funny car model kit (unopened) |
MAD funny car handout “Ugly car” |
Red Alfred decal |
Up the Academy -newspaper ad |
The MAD minute -cassette tape |
MAD greeting card (You WILL have a happy birthday) |
The MAD Alfred E.Neuman adjustable ring (vintage) |
MAD-tv Emmy Award episode VHS tape (unopened) |
The MAD bendie Alfred E.Neuman |
A Spy vs. Spy holographic card signed by Bob Clarke, for some reason |
A MAD Alfred E.Neuman Christmas tie |
MAD playing card game |
The MAD Gross book promotional poster |
Warner Bros. MAD Consumer Products Sheet |
Unlicenced MAD A.E.N. mouse pad |
MAD money - $100, $500 and $100 dollar notes |
Totally MAD CD collection with 7 (!) CD's full of US MADs and lots of loony stuff! |
Sisältää 500 USA:n Madia
alkaen ensimmäisestä, kaikki Spy vs. Spyt, taittelukuvia,
animaatioita, Super-Spesiaalit jne.
Includes 500 US Mads starting from the first one, all the
Spy vs. Spys, fold-in images, animations, Super-Specials etc. |
MAD Bytes it -CD-ROM |
MAD Collectible cards (all +
extras). About 320 of them altogether. (Yep, that's them in the picture) |
Spy vs. Spy collectible
cards 5, 16, 20, 24, 29, 31, 33, 50 |
MAD Neumanisms Ultimate
Collector's Package (Alfred action figure, Neumanisms book, post cards,
magnets) |
Sobe/MAD T-shirt "Shake
your Goo" /w Aragones art. |